Welcome to Think Tank Flotation
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What Flotation Therapy is, in short! Watch this video below and unmute to hear.
Located just steps from Newport on the Levee, we are Cincinnati’s closest flotation center. We have two state-of-the-art float tanks, each in their own private room complete with luxury shower and dressing areas. Relax in our lounge while one of our float experts guides you through what to expect during your session.
What is Flotation Therapy?
Flotation Therapy is a type of physical and mental therapy developed by John C. Lilly in the 1950's. Typically, the patient floats in skin-temperature salt water chamber that blocks external light and sound. Commercial flotation tanks came to prominence in the 1980's, and have seen a huge revival in the 2010's, partly in thanks to advocates like Joe Rogan.
What is the difference between Flotation and Sensory Deprivation?
Sensory Deprivation, Isolation, and R.E.S.T. (restricted environmental stimulus therapy) are all synonyms for what we simply call flotation. Deprivation and isolation have their own negative connotations, and many floaters report heightened sensations after a float. Because everyone's floating experience is different, we prefer to focus on what they all have in common: floating.
What if I'm claustrophobic?
Remember, you are always in control! You can exit the tank at any time. The door doesn't latch, and there's no rule against floating with the door open. Due to the nature of the experience, claustrophobia, aquaphobia, and nyctophobia are rarely of concern.
Who can benefit from Flotation Therapy?
Anyone who is able to float will benefit from flotation. Would you benefit from an hour of quiet contemplation? Would you benefit from a space without the constant distractions of your daily life? How about putting every muscle and joint in your body in a state of complete relaxation? Many patients with physical injuries, addiction, PTSD, or even body image issues have seen vast improvements through floating. The proven effects of flotation are far-reaching, varied, and research is ongoing.
Is Flotation Therapy safe? Can I drown?
Flotation Therapy is extremely safe. The water is only about 10 inches deep, and you will float no matter your body type. It's not uncommon for floaters to fall asleep in the tank, and it would take significant effort to roll over.
Is Flotation Therapy sanitary?
The water in our tank is extremely clean. There are several factors that make this possible. First, our water is saltier than the Dead Sea (there's a reason they call it that). Second, the water is filtered through sand and a UV sanitation system in between each floater. Our filter assembly would be sufficient for a large above-ground swimming pool. It cycles the entire volume of tank water several times in between each floater. If that weren't enough, we also dose our water with hydrogen peroxide in addition to regular tests to ensure safe and effective water levels.
Should anyone avoid Flotation Therapy?
Yes. Although floating is generally very safe, we cannot accommodate guests with any of the following conditions: 1) Infectious skin or respiratory disorders 2) Open wounds 3) Epilepsy or serious mental conditions 4) A high-risk pregnancy 5) Have colored or permed your hair within 7 days 6) Under the influence of any drug or alcohol 7) Under 18 without parental presence
Can I shower before I arrive?
Yes, absolutely! But we will still ask you to shower again before you enter the tank. It's nothing personal! Because of the time and cost associated with changing out the tank solution, we must minimize the amount of contaminants that enter the tank. Soap, makeup, deodorant, hair products, and even clothing fibers can build up over time and affect the water quality and overall function of the system. Pre- and post-showers are also conditions of our insurance policy. If you have any more questions about what your float entails, check out our additional info.
Can I listen to music during my float?
Yes. Our tank is equipped with a Bluetooth audio receiver and underwater transducers. You can easily sync your phone and listen to anything you like. However, we strongly encourage everyone to try a few silent floats before listening to music.
Are there any longer or shorter appointments available?
Yes. If you are interested in a longer float, just ask. You can always float for less than an hour, but the hour float (90-minute total time slot) is the shortest visit we offer.
What should I eat/drink before I float?
We recommend having a little something in your stomach. Floating on a completely empty or completely full stomach can be very distracting. Don't drink too much water right before your float. Can you guess why?
Can I take drugs or drink alcohol before I float?
We cannot allow anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs to use our float tanks. The floating experience may be eye opening on its own, and should be enjoyed for what it is.